Month: December 2022

Holiday Series: Intro to Stoic Philosophy – Ep 173
In the first installment of Vitaliy's Holiday Series, he dives into Stoic philosophy. Or more specifically, Stoic philosophERs. He points out that even more important than knowing what they said and taught is internalizing it: putting the lessons into...

Why non-transitory recession is coming and how to face it as an investor – Ep 172
Recessions, though unpleasant, are ultimately good for the economy. Like a forest fire, they clear out the dead wood and make way for new, healthy growth. But the boom of the last decade accumulated a great deal of kindling, and the coming recession...

Are housing prices about to drop? A value investor’s take – Ep 171
Everyone has seen home prices take off since the pandemic began. As work from home became a reality for many, Americans decided to live where they want. But now that the Fed has decided to hike rates, we have a combination of high prices AND high...

Random Thoughts on the Russian War in Ukraine (Hint: It’s Not Going Well for Russia) – Ep 170
Vitaliy shares a collection of random thoughts on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While they don't add up to a coherent podcast with a beginning, middle, and end, they do point to an overall pattern: the war is not going well for Putin. Vitaliy...