Vitaliy Katsenelson

Why we’re confident in our Charter investment
The CHTR decline may have kicked us in the face, but our extensive research is telling we’re not wrong about our Charter investment. Here’s why:

Herr Schadenfreude Is Not a Friend of Ours – Ep 177
Vitaliy is embarrassed to admit that he has at times felt Schadenfreude, "shameful joy", upon seeing growth stocks decline. But his stoicism and decency quickly kicked in, and he banished this destructive feeling. Here's how. You can read this article...

The Real Country of Contrasts: Our Unforgettable Trip to India
My daughter Hannah and I went to a trip to India. We visited a small part of this large country, the most populous in the world.

Stock Market Roller Coaster: Prepare for a Decade or Two of Disappointing Returns!
Investors who own index funds have likely strapped themselves into a giant stock market roller coaster which, to this point, has only gone up.

Why we’re not celebrating the vindication of our investing principles
Value investors have had a miserable time over the past years. Now that our investing principles are finally being vindicated, you’d expect us to gloat. But Herr Schadenfreude is not a friend of ours.

How Greed and Leverage Destroyed the Crypto Tulip Market – Ep 176
Vitaliy highlights the collapse of FTX, and how this amalgamation of greed, leverage, and naive hope has proven the Crypto Tulip market to be worthless. You can read this article online here: Please read the following important disclosure:

Music Throughout My Life 2023 – Ep 175
Vitaliy updates listeners about his upcoming trip to India with his daughter Hannah. He is thrilled to speaking at the CFA Society of Mumbai, and he'll then take a tour of few parts of that special country. Next, Vitaliy updates the music that has...

How Greed and Leverage Destroyed the Crypto Tulip Market
Crypto currency was touted as antidote to central banking. But with its own flaws, is the system itself to blame for this crypto market crash?

Holiday Series: Last Time – Ep 174
Think of everything you do in a day. Wake up, take your kids to school, drive to work, eat with your family, enjoy a stroll with your spouse, watch a movie, read a book. At some point, you will do each of those things for the last time. In the second...

Holiday Series: Intro to Stoic Philosophy – Ep 173
In the first installment of Vitaliy's Holiday Series, he dives into Stoic philosophy. Or more specifically, Stoic philosophERs. He points out that even more important than knowing what they said and taught is internalizing it: putting the lessons into...

Why non-transitory recession is coming and how to face it as an investor – Ep 172
Recessions, though unpleasant, are ultimately good for the economy. Like a forest fire, they clear out the dead wood and make way for new, healthy growth. But the boom of the last decade accumulated a great deal of kindling, and the coming recession...

Are housing prices about to drop? A value investor’s take – Ep 171
Everyone has seen home prices take off since the pandemic began. As work from home became a reality for many, Americans decided to live where they want. But now that the Fed has decided to hike rates, we have a combination of high prices AND high...

Random Thoughts on the Russian War in Ukraine (Hint: It’s Not Going Well for Russia) – Ep 170
Vitaliy shares a collection of random thoughts on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While they don't add up to a coherent podcast with a beginning, middle, and end, they do point to an overall pattern: the war is not going well for Putin. Vitaliy...

Why Value Investing Requires Thoughtful Arrogance – Ep 169
Contrarian investing is inherently arrogant. You have the audacity to believe that hundreds or thousands of investors are wrong when you buy or sell a stock. How can you go against the crowd without it going to your head? Vitaliy explores the...

Why we bought more Uber shares as the stock fell – Ep 168
It has been a while since Vitaliy updated listeners on his Uber investment, but a lot has changed. With the pandemic now behind us, we begin to get a better sense of what the business looks like going forward. And the future looks bright. Our analysis...

Why non-transitory recession is coming and how to face it as an investor
Recessions are like forest fires – small ones are healthy for the forest. However, the longer you suppress fire, the more dead material the forest accumulates. Eventually, when it does pay a visit, it is more devastating and its effects are more long-lasting.The recession that is coming could be a big fire.

Curmudgeon on Cryptocurrency
I share a story about when four separate people asked me about "investing" in cryptocurrencies, as well as my thoughts on Bitcoin and other crypto-assets.

The Slippery Slope of Student Loan Forgiveness – Ep 167
When the President decided to forgive $10,000 of student debt for everyone anyone earning below $125,000, he opened a very slippery slope of government bailouts. If we continue to borrow from the future, we run the serious risk of becoming a society...

Are housing prices about to drop? A value investor’s take
Inflation is on the rise in the US. So are the interest rates. So what about the housing market? Are we going to see housing prices decline? Read below to find out.

Random Thoughts on the Russian War in Ukraine (Hint: It’s Not Going Well for Russia)
The following is a loose collection of random thoughts and observations on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Rather than a coherent article, I offer some insights that have emerged as the war has dragged on.

IMA is not for everyone. I’m fine with that! – Ep 166
Vitaliy responds to a letter from a concerned client about recent (3 month) underperformance versus the index. To do this, he zooms out to answer the question, What are we really trying to do? What has to be in place for IMA to achieve its investing...