Vitaliy Katsenelson

The EV Industry Landscape – Ep 227

I will discuss investments in the EV industry, spurred by the following question from a client.

Understanding Today’s Economic Landscape – Ep 226

Interest rates that stay low and actually keep declining for almost a quarter of a century slowly propagate deep into the fabric of the economy.

Lessons from History’s Technology Booms – Ep 225

The technology at the core of the mania is different every time. What doesn't change over time is human emotion .

Lessons from Historys Technology Booms

Lessons from History’s Technology Booms

The technology at the core of the mania is different every time. What doesn't change over time is human emotion – the fear of missing out and then the fear of loss.

Science Fiction Stock Analysis – Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 48

Science Fiction Stock Analysis - Conversations with Vitaliy - Episode 48

The Magnificent 7 and the Dangers of Market Hype

The Magnificent 7 and the Dangers of Market Hype

Despite the S&P 500 showing gains in the mid-teens, the average stock on the market is either up slightly or flat for the year.

The Magnificent 7 and the Dangers of Market Hype – Ep 224

The average stock on the market is either up slightly or flat for the year. Most of the gains in the index came from the Magnificent 7 stocks

What Makes for a Great Investor? – Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 47

What Makes for a Great Investor? - Conversations with Vitaliy - Episode 47

Understanding Todays Economic Landscape

Understanding Today’s Economic Landscape

Interest rates that stay low and actually keep declining for almost a quarter of a century slowly propagate deep into the fabric of the economy.

The Right Way To Think – Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 46

The Right Way To Think - Conversations with Vitaliy - Episode 46

From Bull to Sideways Markets to Nvidia

From Bull to Sideways Markets to Nvidia

I discussed my condensed views on the stock market, economy, and our investment strategy in a letter to IMA clients.

Benefits of Travel- Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 45

Benefits of Travel- Conversations with Vitaliy - Episode 45

Traditions, Investment Conferences and Presentations

Traditions, Investment Conferences and Presentations

Investment conferences are the constants in my life. This year, we heard 24 presentations in three days at VALUEx Vail.

Omaha Meeting 2024 – Session Three

Breakfast in Omaha Meeting 2024 – Session Three

This year I hosted my readers for breakfast in Omaha. This is session two of the this year's meeting.

The Slippery Slope Of Student Loan Forgiveness – Edition 2024 – Ep 223

My daughter Hannah was just accepted to University of Denver. She might take out student loans. Why wouldn’t she?

Crash Course in Failure – Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 43

Crash Course in Failure - Conversations with Vitaliy - Episode 43

30 Years in America – Edition 2024 – Ep 222

On the 30th Anniversary of my family's arrival in the United States from Soviet Russia, I reflect on my time here. After recounting the hard early days in a new country when I was "fresh off the boat", I offer perspective on how America has changed since I arrived. What I see now is, in some ways, more troubling than what I found all those years ago as a new immigrant.

The Slippery Slope of Student Loan Forgiveness

The Slippery Slope of Student Loan Forgiveness – Edition 2024

My daughter Hannah was just accepted to University of Denver. She might take out student loans. Why wouldn’t she?

30 Years in America

30 Years in America – Edition 2024

On the 30th Anniversary of my family's arrival in the United States from Soviet Russia, I reflect on my time here. After recounting the hard early days in a new country when I was "fresh off the boat", I offer perspective on how America has changed since I arrived. What I see now is, in some ways, more troubling than what I found all those years ago as a new immigrant.

The Right Way To Think – Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 42

The Right Way To Think - Conversations with Vitaliy - Episode 42

Rediscovering the Essence of the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting – Ep 221

When in the past I described my trip to the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting to others, I found that I contradicted myself.