Vitaliy Katsenelson

Business Insider Interview: China – Speed 3?

Business Insider Interview: China – Speed 3?

I was interviewed on BusinessInsider about China. If you did not see it, this presentation covers a lot of points I discussed in this interview.

Travel (Mis) Adventure

Travel (Mis) Adventure

I was invited to speak to the CFA Society of Bermuda. My wife and I decided to make a mini kids-free vacation out of it.

China – The Mother of All Black Swans

China – The Mother of All Black Swans

Chinese economy has tremendous overcapacity in the commercial and residential real estate and industrial sectors as you see from this presentation.

Jamie Dimons Thoughts on Chinese Banking System

Jamie Dimon’s Thoughts on Chinese Banking System

In this excerpt, an employee who was present at the meeting sums up Jamie Dimon's, the head of JPMorgan, thoughts on China.

A Few thoughts on the Burlington acquisition

A Few thoughts on the Burlington acquisition

I get a feeling that Buffett has been canonized into a value investor saint  – investors and the media worship the ground he walks on and the air he breathes.

Speaking Travel and See you in Omaha

Speaking, Travel and See you in Omaha

I’ll be giving a talk about Active Value Investing to the Bermuda CFA Society on February 11th.  On the way to Bermuda my wife and I will spend three days in NYC. 

Even Capitalist Pigs Should Love Bank Regulation

Even Capitalist Pigs Should Love Bank Regulation

I am a Capitalist Pig, and proud of it, thus you would not expect me to support government interference and more strenuous regulation of financial institutions – after all, capitalism (free markets) and tight regulation don't mix well.

Chinese Quest for Shortcut to Greatness

Chinese Quest for Shortcut to Greatness

The Chinese economy must be getting out of control, because the Chinese government is doing the unthinkable: It is desperately trying to put the brakes on the economy.

The case for Pfizer

The case for Pfizer

I understand why investors don’t want to own Pfizer (PFE); there is little excitement in the stock.

Welcome to Another Lost Decade

Welcome to Another Lost Decade

The stock market’s performance over the next decade will be very similar to the one since 2000: the WSJ appropriately named it “the lost decade.”

Barron's: Economic Steroids Are Toxic, Too

Barron’s: Economic Steroids Are Toxic, Too

The global economy is like a marathon runner who ran too hard and hurt himself. This runner has been injected with some industrial-quality steroids

China vs. the World

China vs. the World

Investors have a healthy distrust, and rightly so, of governments running banks in the US and UK, but for a very strange reason are comfortable with the Chinese government wheeling and dealing with Chinese banks. 

Q&A with FT:Investing in Range-Bound Markets

Q&A with FT:Investing in Range-Bound Markets

In the bull market that preceded the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the ensuing financial crisis, equity valuations reached some very frothy levels.

Dubai's Shot to the Moon

Dubai’s Shot to the Moon

Dubai’s plan to diversify away from petrochemicals made sense. Maybe it is even destined to become the Las Vegas of the Middle East, the Mecca of business travel and luxury.

Our Steroidally Challenged Economy

Our Steroidally Challenged Economy

The global economy reminds me of a marathon runner who runs too hard and hurts himself. But now he has another race to run. So he’s injected with some serious, industrial-quality steroids, and away he goes.

IMS Health is being stolen

IMS Health is being stolen

It was announced Thursday that IMS Health was to be stolen from its shareholders for $4 billion or about $22 share; a private equity firm will buy them out.

Books that will help gain sanity in insane market 2009

I originally wrote this list of recommended books last year; recently I updated and added a few more.  I hope ...

In Defense of Capitalism: a True Love Story

In Defense of Capitalism: a True Love Story

Past weekend Americans voluntarily spent a few million dollars to see a documentary by Michael Moore – Capitalism: the Love Story.

Will Japan drive our interest rates higher?

Will Japan drive our interest rates higher?

In investing, it's important to think unconventionally and creatively while at the same time considering risks - no matter how remote or unmanageable they are.

Q&A with Barron's

Q&A with Barron’s

I was in interviewed in September 21 issue of Barron's.

5 Reasons to Avoid Gold Rush

5 Reasons to Avoid Gold Rush

The reasons why one should sell the cat, pawn the mother-in-law, and use the proceeds to buy gold are well known: the Fed is printing money faster than you can read this.