Vitaliy Katsenelson

Citigroup – As Good As it Gets

Citigroup – As Good As it Gets?

Who would have thought that an almighty Citigroup (C ) would be taking out a sub-prime no-income verification $7.5 billion convertible preferred loan from Abu Dhabi?

Interview With Vitaliy Katsenelson by Philip Durell and Bill Mann

Interview With Vitaliy Katsenelson by Philip Durell and Bill Mann

In October, I had a great pleasure to be interviewed by two of my favorite Motley Fools: Philip Durell advisor to Motley Fool Inside Value newsletter and Bill Mann co-advisor to Motley Fool Hidden Gems newsletter.

Interviewed By George at Fat Pitch Financials

Interviewed By George at Fat Pitch Financials

I was interviewed by George who runs Fat Pitch Financials and Value Investing News.  George also reviewed my book.

Video Interview Apple – Dont Buy! Jackson Hewitt – Buy and my book

Video Interview: Apple – Don’t Buy! Jackson Hewitt – Buy and my book

In this fund video interview with I talk about why I don't think Apple (AAPL) is a buy, why I love Jackson Hewitt (JTX) and my book Active Value Investing.  

Uncle Al

Uncle Al

I like Alan Greenspan, despite writing a critical article about him. It is hard not to admire the guy.

What we've learned

What we’ve learned…

If we learned anything over the last couple of months it is that we don't know the second and third derivative of how badly things will play out.

Jackson Hewitt an Opportunity

Jackson Hewitt an Opportunity?

Soon after we purchased Jackson Hewitt (JTX), offices of one of their franchisees was raided by the U.S. Justice Department; the franchisee was accused of falsifying tax returns for thousands of taxpayers.

Time to Be Downbeat About Wal-Mart

Time to Be Downbeat About Wal-Mart?

When I bought Wal-Mart (WMT) a bit more than a year ago, I wrote an article for Financial Times where I laid out my theses.

My Active Value Investing Book is out!

My Active Value Investing Book is out!

After a year and half, 2,000 hours of staring at my laptop, and much receded hairline, my book Active Value Investing (AVI): Making Money in Range-Bound Markets is done! 

The Feds Irresponsible Move

The Fed’s Irresponsible Move

The Federal Reserve under Mr. Greenspan’s leadership faced a tough decision in 2001. The post bubble had burst, the terrorist attacks followed and the economy was slipping into a recession.

Bad Decisions Were Ours

Bad Decisions Were Ours

The housing bubble that was fueled by multidecade low interest rates priced many people out of their dream homes.

London is Expensive

London is Expensive

I just came from a week-long trip in London. I got to tell you, London (and probably all Europe) is tremendously expensive.

First Marblehead – a Value But Not for Light Hearted

First Marblehead – a Value But Not for Light Hearted

I've been a big fan of First Marblehead's (FMD) stock for couple months now, and it looks like an incredible value today, trading somewhere around 7-8 times earnings.

Anti-Social Investing

Anti-Social Investing

We live in the society where, to our detriment, being politically correct is often more important than being correct. So I am going to come out and make a politically incorrect statement - social investing is an oxymoron.

Navigating In Interesting Times

Navigating In “Interesting Times”

The Federal Reserve’s latest move was to encourage lending, not to stimulate borrowing. The Chinese curse comes to mind here – may you live in an interesting time.

Goodbye Motorola Hello Nokia

Goodbye Moto, Hello Nokia!

It seems that Motorola (MOT) comes out with a good handset that everybody wants every five years or so. Considering that, we have a couple more years to go until the company will have another blockbuster handset again.

You call that a sell-off

You call that a sell-off?

I am arguing that yesterday's selloff is not a watershed event and basically a non event. Jeff Macke called the article a very Russian one, when I inquired why he explained "My ancestors ate frozen wood while staving off Napoleon.

Motorolas Loss Nokias Gain!

Motorola’s Loss, Nokia’s Gain!

After Motorola (MOT) threw in the towel on making money in cell phones this year, is it a good buy?

Good Company vs. Good Stock

Good Company vs. Good Stock

In the long run, the performance of a stock in isolation is the product of fundamentals and valuation.

The Truth Is In

The Truth Is In…

I say "in writing veritas."  MarketWatch asked me to write an article about one's investment strategy in the interest rate environment on the horizon.

Flip Flopper

Flip Flopper?

The Almighty Bill Gross of Pimco has flip flopped on the direction of interest rates for the second time this month.