Vitaliy Katsenelson

What happens in China may not stay in China – Ep 206
To understand what will happen in China and its impact on the global economy, we simply need to invert what happened over the last two decades. 📩 Sign up for my free weekly email newsletter 🎙 Check out my weekly podcast, The Intellectual...

10 Lessons in Investing Mastery
People ask me what I learned from Warren Buffett or Charlie Munger. I hope their wisdom passes down to you as well with this 10 lessons in investing mastery.

Israel is Not Hamas’ Final Solution
Hamas, with sadistic creativity that made the Nazis look like amateurs, in just a few hours slaughtered 1,500 Jewish civilians. The Nazis tried hard to hide their atrocities. Not Hamas.

The 5 Investing Books Everyone Should Read – Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 12
There are 5 investing books that I think everyone should read. - Lawrence Cunningham - Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Nassim Nicholas Taleb - James Montier - Pat Dorsey 📩 Sign up for my free weekly email newsletter 🎙 Check out my weekly...

The Rise and Fall of Russia
I was born in Russia, raised in Russia, but my shame for Russia is unrelenting.

Never Run Out of Ideas
People often ask me how I come up with ideas for investing. Here is my answer.

Charlie Munger’s Rules For a Good Life
I learned a lot from the great Charlie Munger, here are 5 Charlie Munger's rules for a good life that stick out to me.

Our investments in oil and natural gas stocks – Ep 205
I am about to discuss a topic that, for reasons that are unclear to me, has been politicized: oil and gas. I am writing this as a pragmatic analyst who looks at two factors: supply and demand. After all, I am not hired by you (IMA clients) to come up...

What happens in China may not stay in China
To understand what will happen in China and its impact on the global economy, we simply need to invert what happened over the last two decades.

The 5 Value Investing Mistakes to Avoid
There are many mistakes value investors make all the time. Here are 5 that you should avoid if you could.

Learn, Adapt, Conquer
I have learned a lot from my successes and failures in my long career. Here is what I learned.

What You Should Look For When Hiring Someone – Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 11
Here is what you should look for when hiring someone. 📩 Sign up for my free weekly email newsletter 🎙 Check out my weekly podcast, The Intellectual Investor. 📚 GET MY BOOKS Soul in the Game - The Little Book of Sideways Markets - Active...

Think Like a Writer
In a conversation with a friend of mine who was thinking about starting to write, I described a concept called "the writer's brain." I thought I would explore how to think like a writer in this episode.

My Thoughts on the Economy – Ep 204
I just finished a fifteen-page seasonal letter to IMA clients. It discusses the economy and the positioning of our stock portfolio, as well as China, fossil fuels, AI, and unions. I will share excerpts from it over the next few weeks, starting today...

Our investments in oil and natural gas stocks
I am about to discuss a topic that, for reasons that are unclear to me, has been politicized: oil and natural gas stocks. I am writing this as a pragmatic analyst who looks at two factors: supply and demand.

This Will Make You a Better Person
I tell everyone I know that I won the parental lottery. My father imparted many lessons to me that I try to impart to my kids. Thank you very much for watching, I hope you will find this helpful.

Never Look at Money the Same Way – Conversations with Vitaliy – Ep 10
When my wife and I got married, my friend Mark took us out to a lunch that forever changed my relationship with money. 📩 Sign up for my free weekly email newsletter 🎙 Check out my weekly podcast, The Intellectual Investor. 📚 GET MY...

Soul in the Game: Book Summarized by the Author
Soul in the Game is a book of inspiring stories and hard-won lessons on how to live a meaningful life, crafted by me.

This is What Warren Buffett Got Wrong
I learned so much from Warren Buffett as an investor, but I also learned not to do this. What Warren Buffet got wrong?

The Writing Advice You Desperately Need
In this video, I describe my writing process and how you can become a successful author.