Vitaliy Katsenelson

Crazy Money Podcast Interview

In this interview with Paul Ollinger of the Crazy Money Podcast, Vitaliy and Paul cover a variety of topics touched on in Vitaliy's new book Soul in the Game. From growing up in Russia and emigrating to America, to the ways in which more money won't...

The trip to Europe that wasn’t about Europe – Ep 165

Vitaliy recently completed his European trip for 2022, and this podcast recounts the tale. Visiting with his daughter Hannah for the first time, Vitaliy shares details of a delightful trip, with a special guest star that endorsed Soul in the Game. You...

The Stacking Benjamins Podcast Interview

In this special episode from the Stacking Benjamins Podcast, Vitaliy explores his youth in Murmansk, how he was influenced by his mother and father growing up, the role of pain in creativity, and the tenets of Soul in the Game. Enjoy! You can listen...

Sitting on the Tarmac in The Land of Stoicism – Ep 164

During a recent trip to NYC, Vitaliy got the opportunity to practice his favorite Stoic principles. While he had plans to see his favorite opera with his family, the universe conspired to make different plans. You can read this article online here: ...

IMA is not for everyone. I'm fine with that!

IMA is not for everyone. I’m fine with that!

How great alignment with clients creates the perfect recipe for long-term compounding. (And I get to drive my kids to school.)

Dotcom 2.0 bubble has burst. What is next? – Ep 163

In the recent COVID-fueled soaring market, one fund became the canonical example of investor hyper-enthusiasm: ARK. But investors have seen this movie before. Just like the boom fueled by Y2K worries at the turn of the century, many stocks impacted by...

Infinite Loops Interview

Vitaliy sits down with Jim O'Shaughnessy, author of the classic investment book What Works on Wall Street and host of the Infinite Loops Podcast. Vitaliy and Jim seem to share a brain, and they discuss Vitaliy's youth in Soviet Russia, how creativity...

A Value Investor’s Analysis of Student Loan Forgiveness

A Value Investor’s Analysis of Student Loan Forgiveness

Individual impact aside, Biden’s student loan forgiveness will also affect the US currency and economy. Here’s how we see it as value investors.

Putin: The Mask is Off. Europe is Next. – Ep 162

Vitaliy writes his most honest and grim take on the Ukraine war yet. Whereas before there was a veil of pretense about what Putin's war in Ukraine was about (NATO, "denazification"), that pretense is now gone. Vitaliy shares why this is a war of...

The Business Brew Podcast Interview

This special episode features Vitaliy's conversation with Bill Brewster on The Business Brew Podcast. They have a wide-ranging conversation that includes Tesla, tribalism in investing, inflation, how Vitaliy uses macro, the Dotcom 2.0 crash, and more....

Why we bought more Uber shares as the stock fell

Why we bought more Uber shares as the stock fell

Despite being a very controversial choice, we believe Uber stock is still a great investment and have bought more on its way down. Here’s why.

COVID, Inflation, and Value Investing: Answers to “Millenial Investing” – Ep 161

Vitaliy was so inspired by the questions from his Millennial Investing Interview, he decided to sit down and elaborate on them. In this podcast, Vitaliy shares how COVID has changed value investing, what makes a company great, and the impact of China...

Why Value Investing Requires Thoughtful Arrogance

Why Value Investing Requires Thoughtful Arrogance

You need arrogance as a value investor, but it can also be your downfall. So how do you master the psychological side of value investing?

European Adventure 2022

The trip to Europe that wasn’t about Europe

As I am looking back at this trip, it was really not about Europe, the lakes, the ice cream that we had every evening, or the museums. The best experiences were the conversations we shared while we strolled the streets or had over dinner.

Hidden Forces Interview with Demetri Kofinas

In this Special Episode, Vitaliy speaks with Demetri Kofinas, the host of Hidden Forces, a podcast that gives its listeners an edge by teaching them how to think critically about the systems of power structuring our world. In it, Vitaliy speaks about...

Position Sizing: How to Construct Portfolios That Protect You – Ep 160

Some investors think the fewer positions you own, the cooler you are. Vitaliy recalls meeting investors at a conference years ago that had less than 8 stocks in their portfolios. Unfortunately, the financial crisis put them out of business. In this...

This Week in Intelligent Investing Interview

In this podcast with Elliott and John from This Week in Intelligent Investing, Vitaliy outlines what he calls the Stoic Operating System, how he was able to connect with classical composers in their struggle for creativity, the power of the...

How Stoicism Can Help You Have Soul in the Game – Ep 159

Vitaliy dives deep into how Stoicism helps him on a day to day basis, discusses some Stoic heroes, and the link between mindfulness and Stoicism. Enjoy! You can read this article online here:    

How Stoicism Can Help You Have Soul in the Game

In my interview with “What is Stoicism”, I discuss how stoicism can help us improve our personal and professional lives.

Special Episode: Investors Podcast Interview

Vitaliy speaks with The Investors Podcast in this wide ranging and fun interview. Trey (the host) asks Vitaliy to compare 2022 to 2000, where he thinks inflation will show up next, what companies to own in inflation, whether beaten down tech names are...

Charter Communications: Heads We Win, Tails We Don’t Lose – Ep 158

The death of cable has been greatly exaggerated. While competitive threats abound, Vitaliy believes that cable, and the broadband internet it provides, will remain resilient to competition in the coming years. Listen as he explains why, and why...