Vitaliy Katsenelson

Inflation is here. But for how long

Inflation is here. But for how long?

Exploring the nuances of inflation, including when it may be coming, from where it might arrive, and how long it might be staying.

Zurich to Nice – Ep 127

In this podcast, Vitaliy looks forward to his upcoming drive from Zurich, Switzerland to Nice, France, which he would do with his brother Alex. The drive would take them through many charming European towns, and they would visit CERN, the advanced...

Vitaliy's Interview with Indiana University Students

Interview with Indiana University Students

In this interview with Indiana University MBA and MsF students, I take a deep dive into my approach to investing.

Searching for Yield? – Ep 126

This podcast shares an excerpt from a client letter originally written in 2016. Though some of the examples are slightly dated, many of them are just as true today as when they were written. In some cases, even more so than before. As risk in the...

Transgender Trees, Homelessness, and a Dare in San Francisco – Ep 125

In this podcast about a family trip to San Francisco, Vitaliy draws on his memory bank to find some thoughtful lessons about parenting, culture, art, and learning from others. Enjoy! You can read this article online here:  

Vitaliy’s Talk with Indiana University Students, Part 2 – Ep 124

In Part 2 of Vitaliy's talk with Indiana University students, he discusses what he got right, and what he got wrong, when investing through the pandemic. He also touches on how recessions can be good for businesses, compounding small advantages, and...

Vitaliy’s Talk with Indiana University Students, Part 1 – Ep 123

In Part 1 of this 2 part series, Vitaliy talks with Indiana University MBA and MsF students about his approach to investing. He covers a variety of important topics, such as how to find your own investing style, sell discipline, and the limits of...

My Russian Book – Ep 122

In this podcast, Vitaliy relates a story about translating one of his investing books into Russian. His books have been translated into Chinese, Korean, Japanese, German, and Romanian. But the story behind the Russian translation is about much more...

The Dangers of Dividend Obsession – Ep 121

The investment world is currently upside down. Investors are buying bonds for capital appreciation, and stocks for income. Under normal conditions, the reverse would be true. But there is an inherent danger in this - listen to find out what it is. You...

Interview with Andrew Horowitz, The Disciplined Investor – Ep 120

In this interview, Vitalily sits down with his friend Andrew Horowitz from the Disciplined Investor podcast. They discuss everything - from what value investing is (and is not), to whether you should take the Peter Lynch approach of investing in what...

Hug Your Kids – Ep 119

In this short podcast about family life, Vitaliy recounts a fun, and scary, trip to Laguna Beach that ends with an important lesson. Then, he recalls a teaching moment he had with his daughter Hannah, in which he got to share his love of spreadsheets...

Zurich to Nice – Travel Notes – Ep 118

In this podcast, Vitaliy recalls his early 2019 trip to Europe. Written in the pre-COVID days, this essay takes the listener on a tour of a handful of random European cities, as well as a tour of random thoughts from Vitaliy.He muses on everything...

Telsa – ICE Cold Killer? Interview with Michael Covel – Ep 117

In this podcast, Vitaliy talks with Michael Covel about all things Tesla. Getting into the weeds, the two discuss Tesla's profitability (or lack thereof), the nuances of the charging network and the engine, as well as prospects for ICE car makers to...

My Interview with WorldClassPerformer.Com – Ep 116

Vitaliy was recently interviewed by the website What follows are a series of questions about him, his background, influences and habits. While he answered these questions truthfully, you shouldn't think that he doesn't have a...

My Interview with World Class Performer

My Interview with World Class Performer

In early 2021, I was interviewed by the website What follows are a series of questions about my background, influences and habits.

Time for an All-Terrain Investment Portfolio – Ep 115

If the investing road ahead (e.g. the stock market) is smooth, up and to the right, then making money in stocks will continue to be easy. But if things get more rocky, you're going to need the investment equivalent of an All Terrain Vehicle. In this...

Go Ahead, Covet Your Neighbor’s Wife. – Ep 114

Vitaliy recently asked another value investor if he wanted Warren Buffett's success. While this may seem like a rhetorical question, the truth is many value investors are quietly envious of Buffett. In this podcast, Vitaliy shares an old piece of...

Go Ahead, Covet Your Neighbor’s Wife

Go Ahead, Covet Your Neighbor’s Wife.

I recently asked another value investor if he wanted Warren Buffett's success. While this may seem like a rhetorical question, the truth is many value investors are quietly envious of Buffett.

The Renaissance of Pipelines and Our Sell Discipline – Ep 113

At first, investors loved them. Then, they hated them. Now, investors have left them for dead. Oil and gas pipeline companies are anything but popular. But they are essential businesses, with rising free cash flow and substantial dividend yields. In...

Our Sell Discipline

Our Sell Discipline

How our selling practice differs between high-growth companies with long runways for compounding and slow-growth companies.

The Renaissance of Pipelines

The Renaissance of Pipelines

At first, investors loved them. Then, they hated them. Now, investors have left them for dead. Oil and gas pipeline companies are anything but popular. But they are essential businesses, with rising free cash flow and substantial dividend yields.