Vitaliy Katsenelson

Is Tesla Apple? Is Elon Musk Steve Jobs?
Examination of the potential success of Tesla, comparing it to Apple. What advantages Tesla has, and can Tesla become as successful as Apple?

Interview with Tony Greer, Part 1: The All-Terrain Portfolio – Ep 41
Part 1. In early November, Vitaliy sat down with of for an interview to be featured on , a widely respected financial thought leadership network. They discuss how Vitaliy constructs an all-terrain portfolio for IMA clients, and the role that the...

Is Tesla Theranos?
Tesla bears make the argument that Elon Musk is similar to Elizabeth Holmes, CEO of Theranos, who resorted to deception and fraud. What would happen to Tesla if something were to happen to him?

Why We Don’t Own Tesla stock (and no, we’re not bears)
After writing a 37-page opus on Tesla, I am often asked what I think of Tesla stock. Although I am a very enthusiastic Model 3 owner, I can equally see both sides of the argument around Tesla as an investment. This makes me neither bullish nor bearish, but someone who can foresee distinctly different paths for Tesla the company and Tesla the stock.

Find Value: In Life and Markets – Ep 40
In this episode, Vitaliy talks with Michael Covel of Trend Following Radio. Vitaliy and Michael discuss the importance of process-based goals and the role they play in creating a happy life, and the challenges of finding value in today's market....

Elon Musk’s Notorious Promises: Why Tesla’s Future Success Might Not Be in His Hands
Elon Musk is an incredibly ambitious leader with seemingly impossible goals, who has changed the auto industry and accelerated human progress. His success is mostly dependent on the capital he can raise to finance his dreams, which is made possible by the faith people have in him and Tesla. However, it is difficult to tell which of his goals will turn into realities and when.

Autopilot: Musk’s Wishful Thinking or Tesla’s Greatest Advantage?
Autopilot has some useful features, but can be dangerous on roads with unclear lane markings. Is the autopilot Tesla's greatest advantage?

Life – 2017 Edition – Ep 39
Smoothies, family traditions, and his father's medicine box: this week's episode is a bit different as Vitaliy reflects on the year that lay ahead of him. You can read this article online at:

Tribalism in Investing Might Leave You Broke
People have a tendency to form tribes and stick to the views of that group, even if they don't agree with them. Tribalism can be dangerous in investing, as it can lead to ignoring important facts and evidence. How to avoid this?

Broadening Our Horizons with Complexity
The Santa Fe Institute takes an interdisciplinary approach to research, and is a leader in complexity theory, which looks at the economy as an organic, ever-evolving ecosystem. How can I apply this theory to my own mental models

Tribalism in investing might leave you broke – Ep 38
Humans are tribal. Our tribalism goes back to the age of cavemen. In family, sports, business, and even politics, tribalism makes a degree of sense. But when it comes to investing, tribalism might leave you broke. In this episode, Vitaliy explores the...

Nokia or Samsung? Why a First-Principles Approach Will Be Key for Developing EVs
Tesla created its cars by breaking out of the domain of existing auto manufacturers and thinking from first principles, creating vehicles with fewer parts and a more customer-friendly approach to buying and servicing.

Why We Sold Softbank – Ep 37
"If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him" – this old Buddhist saying implies that we need to be able to destroy our most cherished beliefs. We can grow only if we are able to reassess our belief system. Softbank has been a very successful...

Why the Survival and Dominance of Car Manufacturers is Far from Certain
Traditional car manufacturers have the advantage of knowledge and experience in manufacturing cars, but can they survive the transition to EV?

Why We Sold Softbank
To understand why we sold it, you need to understand why we bought it.We bought Softbank when it was an unknown company to US investors.

Why we don’t own Tesla stock (and no, we’re not bears) – Ep 36
After writing a 37-page opus on Tesla, Vitaliy is often asked what he thinks of Tesla stock. Although he is a very enthusiastic Model 3 owner, he can equally see both sides of the argument around Tesla as an investment. This makes him neither bullish...

Are Electric Cars Good for the Environment?
Two-thirds of the electricity in the US currently comes from fossil fuels, but electric cars could cut CO2 emissions by over a third.

My Single Greatest Achievement – Ep 35
After dropping off his son Jonah at the airport for a gap year in Israel between high school and college, Vitaliy reads a letter from Jonah and reflects on what success really means. Since we only get a limited amount of time on Planet Earth, what...

Tesla’s Risky Gamble & The Future of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Tesla's batteries are more efficient but more expensive to replace and require more attention to keep them running efficiently.

This Rocky Stock Market Requires an All-Terrain Portfolio – Ep 34
The past decade has been a smooth one for the market, but the road ahead is uncertain. Listen to Vitaliy explain what kind of portfolio is needed to survive whatever the future has in store for us in the upcoming years. You can read this article...

How EV Range Anxiety Will Give Way to an EV-Charging “Gold Rush”
Range anxiety is a real concern for electric vehicle (EV) owners, but it is manageable. Charging with a 110-volt outlet can take three days, but a 220-volt outlet can charge the car in 10 hours. Capitalism will build out the charging infrastructure, creating more charging locations like grocery store parking lots.