Vitaliy Katsenelson

Warsaw Concerto
Today I wanted to share with you the Warsaw Concerto, a piano concerto in one movement written by British composer Richard Addinsell for the 1941 film Dangerous Moonlight.

Homophobic Arbitrage
A few years ago I went to a conference in South Beach. I had never stayed in a gay hotel before. I was not quite sure what the expectations were of guests.

How I Bought the Internet — and You Can Too
A few months ago my firm bought the Internet. Let me explain: When people think about the Internet, they imagine an enormous network of millions of servers.

Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6
A good friend asked me if I thought Tchaikovsky was overrated or underappreciated. A few years ago I probably would have said overrated; now I say both.

My Russian Book
I really wanted my book to be published in Russian. There were a few reasons, but the most important one was that I wanted my father to read it.

Additional Thoughts on The Fed Model and Profit Margins
The Fed Model is extremely important, because I vividly remember how low interest rates and the Fed Model were used as propaganda tool.

The Not-So-Big Picture on Financial Models
Rarely do I disagree with fellow investor and financial blogger Barry Ritholtz, but the time has finally come. Last week Barry wrote a column for Bloomberg View.

Practitioners, Prognosticators and Portfolio Pain
I spend a lot of time looking for new stocks, either by screen or by reading or talking to other value investors. We are all having a hard time finding many stocks of interest.

A Few Simple Rules For Money Managers
As a parent the hardest thing to do is not to be a hypocrite. You tell your kids to do one thing – the right thing – but you don’t stick to your own advice.

Mahler – Symphony No. 5
Today I want to point you to a piece by the Austrian Jewish composer Gustav Mahler, whose music I learned to love only recently.

Qualcomm’s Competitive Advantages Are Too Numerous to Ignore
When we stumbled on Qualcomm, we could not believe what we saw. The San Diego–based chipmaker should double its earnings over the next four years.

Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela’s passing last week made me want to share some thoughts about him. I visited South Africa twice over the last five years.

The Blessing of a Declining Stock Price
After I told my father what I am about to tell you, he called me a charlatan.

Wagner’s Lohengrin
I’ve been conflicted about listening to Wagner’s music for a long time. He was a raging anti-Semite and a horrible human being.

What I Learned from the J.C. Penney Fiasco
In this article I would like to put salt in the open wound and talk about what I learned from the J.C. Penney fiasco.

Interview with The Disciplined Investor Podcast
I was a guest on Andrew Horowitz's the Disciplined Investor podcast.

Stansberry Radio With Dr. David Eifrig
I was interviewed by Dr. David Eifrig on Stansberry Radio (to listen, click here):

How to Capitalize on the Bakken Oil Boom
Oil production in the Bakken Shale region of North Dakota has soared from 400,000 barrels (bbl) per day in 2011 to 1 million bbl per day in 2013.

How long does it take for a grown man to become Americanized?
December 4th will mark 22 years since my family arrived in the US. Among all of us, my stepmother was the only one who spoke American.

Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto
Just like Tchaikovsky’s piano concerto, this violin concerto became a tremendous success and is now among the most beloved violin concertos.

Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1
There is a great lesson from Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto Number 1. It was common to dedicate a piece of music to the musician whom you wanted to perform the music.