Vitaliy Katsenelson

Understanding Apple Requires an Analysis of Fundamentals and Psychology

Understanding Apple Requires an Analysis of Fundamentals and Psychology

What makes Apple stock difficult to own is psychology. The company’s success since 2000 is a black swan.

Musical Note: Moszkowski Piano Concerto in E Minor

Musical Note: Moszkowski Piano Concerto in E Minor

I want to share with you the Piano Concerto in E minor by Moritz Moszkowski, German-Jewish composer born in Breslau, Prussia.

Super Bowl is a Tradition

My partner at IMA, Michael Conn, is a college football fanatic. He went to CU Boulder and has been a CU Buffs season-ticket holder for 40 years.

On Y! Breakout - Herbalife (never)

Looking for “Herbal” in Herbalife

Months before the recent Sturm und Drang surrounding nutritional-supplement maker Herbalife, my firm took a long, hard look at the company.

On Y! Breakout – Apple (not yet)

I was on Yahoo! Breakout with terrific Jeff Macke discussing Apple ….  

Bargain Hunting at J.C. Penney

Bargain Hunting at J.C. Penney

J.C. Penney Co. is a classic short-term pain arbitrage stock. There is a lot of uncertainty about what the retailer’s sales will do in the near future.

Finding Value in HMOs

Finding Value in HMOs

HMOs appear to be perfect stocks for today’s market. They have good balance sheets, terrific free cash flows and recurring, highly economics-insensitive revenues.

Two Contradictory Thoughts About Elections

Two Contradictory Thoughts About Elections

The election is over. I am left with two very contradictory feelings. First is the one of appreciation – every four years we peacefully replace our government.

Investment Process Presentation

Investment Process Presentation

"Better information" usually means insider information and will land you in jail. "Better analysis" means being able to build better models. "Be more rational than average market participant"

Playing a Game of Economic Survivor

Playing a Game of Economic Survivor

At first, I felt like I needed a healthy dose of Prozac to tackle the article — it is easy to get depressed about the global economy.

Electronic Arts – Revenge of the Nerd

Electronic Arts – Revenge of the Nerd

Electronic Arts stock is scratching 52-week lows. It is unloved, but for some good reasons: its sales have stagnated for years.

Helmerich & Payne Analysis

Helmerich & Payne Analysis

I took a serious look at Helmerich & Payne and, though we really liked the company, my conclusion was not to buy the stock at this price.

Thoughts from VALUEx Vail 2012 Conference

Thoughts from VALUEx Vail 2012 Conference

VALUEx Vail is not your typical conference. It is a not-for-profit (but for-learning), by-invitation-only (you have to apply to be invited) conference.

VALUEx Vail 2012 - Amazon's Valuation

VALUEx Vail 2012 – Amazon’s Valuation

In this series of several articles I’ll discuss my thoughts from the VALUEx Vail conference. The idea for this conference came to me when I attended VALUEx Zurich

The China Syndrome

The China Syndrome

MOST PEOPLE are convinced by now that there is a fixed-asset bubble in China that is on the verge of bursting. The question is, what is next?

Why Windows 8 Made Me Sell MSFT

Why Windows 8 Made Me Sell MSFT

A few weeks ago we sold our shares of Microsoft. Because we believe the stock is undervalued, that decision was not easy. What changed?

Why Facebook's IPO Valuation is Insane

Everyone Who Says Facebook’s IPO Failed Is Wrong

I wrote that Facebook stock was overvalued, while last week I wrote that Facebook’s valuation at IPO was fair. Those statements are not contradictory.

Best Buy

How to Fix Best Buy

Best Buy Co. shareholders are lucky that CEO Brian Dunn pulled a “Mark Hurd” and resigned as a result of allegations of an inappropriate relationship with a staffer.

Why Facebook's IPO Valuation is Insane

Facebook IPO Was a Success and Wall Street Got What it Deserved

Being politically correct has never been my strongest quality; therefore I’ll say this: I don’t feel sorry for Facebook’s new ...

Why Facebook's IPO Valuation is Insane

Why Facebook’s IPO Valuation is Insane

The easiest way to assess the insanity of Facebook’s valuation is by comparing it to Google’s.

Seek out people who disagree with you; The budget deficit is a stimulus; China = post-bubble Japan?

Seek out people who disagree with you; The budget deficit is a stimulus; China = post-bubble Japan?

Buffett said "When government runs a 10% deficit, it is a stimulus, though nobody calls it that." But the bond market will not let us run 10% deficits forever.