Vitaliy Katsenelson

I had in depth audio interview with Jim Puplava

I had in depth audio interview with Jim Puplava

I had a pleasure of being interviewed by Jim Puplava, it is a lengthy and in depth interview about The Little Book of Sideways Markets.

David Rosenberg and Barron's

David Rosenberg and Barron’s

David Rosenberg, ex-Chief Economist with Merrill Lynch, now with Gluskin Sheff, kindly mentioned my book in his research on Monday.

The Little Book of Sideways Markets - Vitaliy Katsenelson

The Little Book of Sideways Markets is Out!

The Little Book of Sideways Markets is officially out. It was a fun and interesting project. I took Active Value Investing, completely rewrote the first half of the book.

On CNBC: Winning in Sideways Markets

On CNBC: Winning in Sideways Markets

A new little book is threatening to turn all that sage advice on its head. Vitaliy Katsenelson’s “The Little Book of Sideways Markets.”

U.S. Must "Man Up and Take the Pain" or We'll Become Japan

U.S. Must “Man Up and Take the Pain” or We’ll Become Japan

"Lower taxes and borrow money to finance it," pretty much sounds like U.S. fiscal policy during the Bush years.

QE2 Is Not Only a Mistake, "It's Criminal"

QE2 Is Not Only a Mistake, “It’s Criminal”

The failure of QE2 doesn't worry me. It's the success that worries me. I think it's criminal.

QE2: Beware the Perils of its Success

QE2: Beware the Perils of its Success

Over the next eight months the Federal Reserve will conduct QE2 – quantitative easing, the sequel. It will buy $600 billion worth of US long-term bonds in the open market.

Recommended Book List

Recommended Book List

Read books that will bring you sanity, the ones that will snap you back into the mindset of investor and out of being a nervous observer of the daily stock market melodrama.

China - The Mother of All Grey Swans

China – The Mother of All Grey Swans

I had the pleasure of presenting my thesis on China and Japan at the Casey Research Summit in San Diego in early October.

Poststeroid Economics

Poststeroid Economics

During the ’80s and ’90s, ignorance was bliss. The global economy was growing nicely, and analyzing it seemed like a waste of time.

Shadow over Asia

Shadow over Asia

I had the pleasure of presenting my thesis on China and Japan at the Casey Research Summit in San Diego in early October.

Barron's Is Wrong On Medtronic

Barron’s Is Wrong On Medtronic

Barron’s its article on Medtronic is wrong! Here are some arguments the Barron’s article made that require my rebuttal.

Japan: Land of the Rising Debt

Japan: Land of the Rising Debt

Two decades of stimulative, low-interest-rate fiscal policy have made Japan the most indebted nation in the developed world.

Musings on Kids and Asia

Musings on Kids and Asia

My nine-year-old son Jonah and I have been playing chess a few hours a day. I never thought I'd enjoy playing chess as much, but I do.

Microsoft Debt Issuance Makes Zero Economic Sense

Microsoft Debt Issuance Makes Zero Economic Sense

Microsoft will use the sales proceeds to repay short-term debt. If it was any other company I’d ignore this headline as a daily noise as this kind of things happens all the time.

Investing in Range-Bound Markets

Here is my article on range-bound markets in NAPFA magazine: Investing in Range-Bound Markets by Vitaliy N. Katsenelson (published in ...

China Roundtable with Robert Horrocks and Vitaliy Katsenelson

China Roundtable with Robert Horrocks and Vitaliy Katsenelson

China’s recovery from the global recession has been sharp and striking, but we have been hearing different views on China’s recent economic performance.

See You In Omaha

See You In Omaha and More Random than Usual Thoughts

It’s time for the annual trip to Omaha. For many, it’s a worshipful pilgrimage, as they hang on every word coming out of the Oracle’s mouth as the Gospel of Eternal Truth.

Randoms: Invitation to Presentation; Vodafone; Russia

Randoms: Invitation to Presentation; Vodafone; Russia

I’ll cover a lot of random subjects, but let me start with an invitation. I was invited to give a talk about China and Japan at my alma mater, the University of Colorado at Denver.

China: the coming costs of a superbubble

China: the coming costs of a superbubble

China may seem to have defied the recession and the laws of economics. It hasn't. When China's bubble bursts, the global impact will be severe, spiking US interest rates.

Don’t call me Dr. Doom, call me Mr. Realist

Don’t call me Dr. Doom, call me Mr. Realist

The current strength of the US economy is significantly boosted by steroids graciously provided by the US government in the form of stimulus.