Vitaliy Katsenelson

Expect Tensions with Russia

Expect Tensions with Russia

Russia's economy is deteriorating at a very fast pace. The Stabilization fund - a giant $450 billion savings account - has been depleted by a quarter since September as Russia tried to defend its currency.

A Far-East Fiasco

A Far-East Fiasco?

An article on China piqued my interest. China plays a very important role in the global economy and thus I pay close attention to it. 

Investing Books For The Stockings 2008

Investing Books For The Stockings 2008

Read books that will bring you sanity, the ones that will snap you back into the shell of investor and out of the sorry shell of nervous observer of the daily stock market melodrama.

Russia Wrestles With Ruble Collapse

Russia Wrestles With Ruble Collapse

Bad decisions when times were fat spell a rough road ahead for those who hold their savings in Russian currency.  It is amazing how things change in a few months.

The Incredible Jos. A. Bank

The Incredible Jos. A. Bank

When I think of the Jos. A. Bank (JOSB), I think of Yogi Berra's saying "Nobody goes there because it is too crowded."

Ill Buy “Stuff” Stocks When

I’ll Buy “Stuff” Stocks When…

Let me tell you when I'll buy "stuff" stocks. It's when everyone stops telling me how cheap they are and that they are "buys."

The Process

The Process

Successful investing is about following a successful, time-proven process in good and bad times. Of course, the problem with the process - it may produce rather painful results.

Ford Pinto - Bail Out Capitalism, Not The Big Three

Bail Out Capitalism, Not The Big Three

Government intervention in the financial system via the Troubled Asset Relief Program made me sick to my stomach, but without it, there is a real possibility that our economy would have come to a screeching halt

Audio Interview with Chuck Jaffe at MarketWatch

Audio Interview with Chuck Jaffe at MarketWatch

I had a fun radio/podcast interview today with Chuck Jaffe at MarketWatch, we “played” hold it or fold it with some of the stocks we own.

Quoted in Barrons on AmEx

Quoted in Barron’s on AmEx

I was quoted in this week's Barron's on AmEx (AXP):

China is slowing down

China is slowing down

I've said for a long time that one should not trust economic statistics data coming from the Chinese Government as it has the incentives (and power) to interrogate the data until it confesses to what it wants to see.

AmEx as a Bank Holding Company

AmEx as a Bank Holding Company

AmEx becoming a bank holding company (BHC) is not just net positive for the company it is simply positive. When a highly leveraged investment bank like Goldman Sachs turns into a BHC, its future profitability suffers as its leverage drops to commensurate level of the bank.

Stuff Stocks Still Too Expensive

Stuff Stocks Still Too Expensive

I am probably right about what I am about to say: The global slowdown is just starting and will last longer than most expect.

Interview with Advisor Perspectives

Interview with Advisor Perspectives

I was interviewed by terrific Robert Huebscher at Advisor Perspectives.  We've revisited my range-bound markets thesis, possible economic scenarios for our economy, and discussed global economy including Europe, Russia, Middle East, and of course China.

You are not as dumb as you think – or – Psychotherapy for Bear Markets

You are not as dumb as you think – or – Psychotherapy for Bear Markets

Today I've slightly rewritten the same article to address underconfidence of bear markets.You are not as dumb as you think - or - Psychotherapy for Bear Markets.

Forbes Video Interview Dotcom portfolio

Forbes Video Interview: Dotcom portfolio

I was interviewed by Forbes in early October.  I discussed my favorite "dotcom" portfolio of stocks.

Thoughts about the market

Thoughts about the market

Some thoughts about the market. In today’s market you see some unbelievable opportunities. For the first time, in a long, long time, we can actually put a full portfolio together where we don’t have to compromise on Quality, Valuation or Growth when we pick stocks

The Wall Street Transcript Interview Excerpts

The Wall Street Transcript Interview Excerpts

I was interviewed by The Wall Street Transcript, and I will share some excerpts from the interview.

Signs of Global Growth Slowdown

Signs of Global Growth Slowdown?

This weekend’s papers provided new signs of global economic slowdown. The first came from Japan. For the first time in 26 years – a long time – Japan became a net importer.

Gold Doomsday Currency

Gold, Doomsday Currency?

I got a call today from a financial journalist asking me if gold is “the” asset for the doomsday portfolio. I took this question very seriously.

Five things that will be different after the bailout

Five things that will be different after the ‘bailout’

"Don't worry they'll bail them out." Though I love putting my clients at ease, there are consequences to the bailout.