In Defense of Capitalism

Two Contradictory Thoughts About Elections

Two Contradictory Thoughts About Elections

The election is over. I am left with two very contradictory feelings. First is the one of appreciation – every four years we peacefully replace our government.

Fed's Shortcut to Greatness

Fed’s Shortcut to Greatness

The bad economist confines himself to the visible effect, the good economist takes into account both the effect that can be seen and those effects that must be foreseen.

QE2 Is Not Only a Mistake, "It's Criminal"

QE2 Is Not Only a Mistake, “It’s Criminal”

The failure of QE2 doesn't worry me. It's the success that worries me. I think it's criminal.

In Defense of Capitalism: a True Love Story

In Defense of Capitalism: a True Love Story

Past weekend Americans voluntarily spent a few million dollars to see a documentary by Michael Moore – Capitalism: the Love Story.


How stealing Chrysler threatens our markets

Wielding the public's empathy as a weapon, President Obama took Chrysler from its rightful owners: secured loan holders.

Ford Pinto - Bail Out Capitalism, Not The Big Three

Bail Out Capitalism, Not The Big Three

Government intervention in the financial system via the Troubled Asset Relief Program made me sick to my stomach, but without it, there is a real possibility that our economy would have come to a screeching halt

Bad Decisions Were Ours

Bad Decisions Were Ours

The housing bubble that was fueled by multidecade low interest rates priced many people out of their dream homes.

Anti-Social Investing

Anti-Social Investing

We live in the society where, to our detriment, being politically correct is often more important than being correct. So I am going to come out and make a politically incorrect statement - social investing is an oxymoron.

Russia We Dont Need the West Anymore

Russia: We Don’t Need the West Anymore

Royal Dutch Shell's $7.5 billion sale to Gazprom may have been coerced by the Russian government. Vitaliy Katsenelson looks at the Sakhalin-2 sale and examines the long-term implications if Russia disregards Western investment.