
The Super Bowl Is a Tradition
The beauty and embarrassment of writing is that your past essays can be easily unearthed and brought to the present. ...

A Balanced Life: My Approach
How do you balance your life between being an investor, running a firm, writing and other important aspects of your life such as your family?

Q&A Series: On Parenting and Personal Growth
I wanted to share excerpts from a Q&A session I held with readers in Omaha. This excerpt focuses on parenting and personal growth.

30 Years in America – Edition 2024
On the 30th Anniversary of my family's arrival in the United States from Soviet Russia, I reflect on my time here. After recounting the hard early days in a new country when I was "fresh off the boat", I offer perspective on how America has changed since I arrived. What I see now is, in some ways, more troubling than what I found all those years ago as a new immigrant.

Rediscovering the Essence of the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
When in the past I described my trip to the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting to others, I often found that I contradicted myself.

Dad, You Are Not Growing! (Embracing Vulnerability)
Dad, you are not growing. You’ve stopped learning new things. You used to have new, creative ideas. Lately you were just improving things that are familiar to you.

Data Driven Hiring
I love being the CEO of IMA. I get to set the direction of the company, decide on its long-term and short-term goals, and build the IMA culture and team.

Expanding Perspectives Through Travel – From Spain to the UK
My brother Alex, my son Jonah, and I went to a conference in Switzerland. We saw this as an opportunity to turn the bookends of the trip into a small European vacation.

Antisemitism and Wokeness Threaten the Future of Israel and America
My goal with this essay on antisemitism and wokeness is to bring an important issue to the surface for those who were oblivious to it and to possibly change the minds of those whose minds are still changeable.

Article Almanac 2023
A few years ago, the IMA team started a new tradition. At the end of the year, we gather all of the essays I had written throughout the year, organize them by topic, sprinkle in some art, nip and tuck them into a single PDF, and voila, we have an almanac.

Broadening the aperture of how you look at life
The interview took place in April 2023 at Temple Sinai here in Denver. The focus of the discussion was on my book Soul in the Game: The Art of a Meaningful Life. The living characters of the book are from my family, so having them in the audience was a bit surreal.

Don’t Let History Repeat Itself
I always wondered what I would have done if I were a Jew living in Germany on November 9th, 1938. Kristallnacht, the night when Germans attacked Jews across the country. Would I run? Would I fight? Would it make a difference?

Israel is Not Hamas’ Final Solution
Hamas, with sadistic creativity that made the Nazis look like amateurs, in just a few hours slaughtered 1,500 Jewish civilians. The Nazis tried hard to hide their atrocities. Not Hamas.

Atrocities in Israel
I have shared my thoughts on the horror of what is happening in Israel on Twitter. I was going to write something longer, but it is simply too painful: My son, Jonah, asked me why I hadn’t written anything about what has happened in Israel. I had to pause and think; I was frozen.

My Father – A Life Worth Living
I spent weeks trying to write about my father, but I failed miserably. As a writer, I have learned that there is no such thing as writer's block; either your idea is not fully developed, or there is a conflict between what you want to say and what appears on your pages.

Life Is a Walk – Santa Fe
This trip to Santa Fe is more to us than just a continuation of the tradition my father started in 2013. It goes deeper and further than that; we are continuing the traditions started by my grandparents, and likely those of their ancestors. Life is a walk!

How Not To Lose a Job That’s Yours
Imagine withdrawing a job offer two days after it was made. This is exactly what we did. This letter about how not to lose a job that's yours, contained insights and lessons that could go beyond the intended recipient and could help anyone who is looking for a job.

Russia – History Repeats Itself
A few weeks ago I was asked to speak to the CFA Association of Russia about my most recent book. Here is my reply:

Embrace Good Problems: Advice to Young People Today
A 22-year-old daughter of a friend, for the first time in her life, has hit a brick wall. I told her that, as frustrating as her life may seem right now, she is having a good problem; and happiness in life comes from having good problems.

What I Learned From the Oracle of Omaha & Charlie Munger
My favorite line from Charlie Munger was: “Practicing law today is like a pie-eating contest, where if you succeed, you get to eat more pie.”

Chess Saga Continues
With Hannah’s passion for chess growing and the lockdowns easing, we discovered the wonderful world of chess meetups.