
Playing a Game of Economic Survivor

Playing a Game of Economic Survivor

At first, I felt like I needed a healthy dose of Prozac to tackle the article — it is easy to get depressed about the global economy.

The China Syndrome

The China Syndrome

MOST PEOPLE are convinced by now that there is a fixed-asset bubble in China that is on the verge of bursting. The question is, what is next?

For Europe, Breaking Up Is a Hard Thing to Do

For Europe, Breaking Up Is a Hard Thing to Do

Everyone is looking with horror at Europe, waiting for the European Economic and Monetary Union to break up and for the PIIGS to start dropping like flies, taking the rest of the euro zone and the global economy with them.

We Are Not AAA

We Are Not AAA

The Fed and FDIC announced that AA+ US debt is as good as AAA, and thus banks' reserve requirements will not change and bank lending should not change either.

The Chinese Black Swan

The Chinese Black Swan

Party rulers in China are trapped in a position that chess players deeply fear - zugzwang - where any move made puts you at disadvantage.

Set the Bar High

Set the Bar High

The world today is riddled with unique economic, political, and demographic risks.  Finding attractively priced assets that will perform well in spite of these challenges is excruciatingly difficult.

Japan: Land of the Rising Debt

Japan: Land of the Rising Debt

Two decades of stimulative, low-interest-rate fiscal policy have made Japan the most indebted nation in the developed world.

The Second Edition of the First Part of My Book (free)

The Second Edition of the First Part of My Book (free)

This presentation/speech qualifies as a second (free) edition of the first part of my book – the part that explains why we are likely suffering through a range-bound market.

Econ 101 Credit Card Fees

Econ 101: Credit Card Fees

Banks opened a dirty, ugly Pandora's box when they destroyed their balance sheets to the point that the Federal government HAD to bail them out. 

Stock Prices_ Consumer Confidence_ CEOs — Self-Fulfiling

Stock Prices, Consumer Confidence, CEOs — Self-Fulfiling

I'll not make a prediction if this latest rally in stocks is sustainable or not. I don't know. But it is self-fulfilling.

Putin – the New Capitalistic Pig

Putin – the New Capitalistic Pig?

I found myself in a very awkward state when I read this. Though I agree with Mr. Putin, how can I argue with this flawless rhetoric?

Expect Tensions with Russia

Expect Tensions with Russia

Russia's economy is deteriorating at a very fast pace. The Stabilization fund - a giant $450 billion savings account - has been depleted by a quarter since September as Russia tried to defend its currency.

A Far-East Fiasco

A Far-East Fiasco?

An article on China piqued my interest. China plays a very important role in the global economy and thus I pay close attention to it. 

Russias Depressing Story

Russia’s Depressing Story

After 16 years of almost no contact with my Russian high school and college friends I stumbled on, a website very similar to

Russia Think Again

Russia? Think Again

As you look at the high-flying Russian stock market, you may feel like you want some of it. But before you dive into Russia consider this: as it is, Russia is a dysfunctional play on high oil prices as well as commodities. It is no less bureaucratic than it was some fifteen years ago.