The Second Edition of the First Part of My Book (free)

This presentation/speech qualifies as a second (free) edition of the first part of my book – the part that explains why we are likely suffering through a range-bound market.

The Second Edition of the First Part of My Book (free)

 Here is a link to the presentation/speech of my book. This presentation/speech qualifies as a second (free) edition of the first part of my book – the part that explains why we are likely suffering through a range-bound market.  I updated the data; found a better way to explain old and new topics; changed my mind on some things; and answered questions that have been raised by readers.   I have to warn you this PDF is 20 pages long.  However, a lot of space is consumed by charts and tables thus don’t let the size scare you.  Kill some trees, don’t kill your eyes – print it.

I hope you enjoy this and more importantly find it beneficial.  You are welcome to share it with your friends (and enemies).

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