Stock Analysis

DeepSeek Breaks the AI Paradigm

DeepSeek Breaks the AI Paradigm

I’ve received emails from readers asking my thoughts on DeepSeek. I need to start with two warnings. First, the usual one: I’m a generalist value investor, not a technology specialist, so my knowledge of AI models is superficial. Second, and more unusually, we don’t have all the facts yet.

Escaping Stock Market Double Hell

Escaping Stock Market Double Hell

Over the last few years, our portfolio has skewed more international. Today, if you only invest in the US, you're experiencing two stock market hells.

Embracing Stock Market Stoicism

2024 brought me back to a core Stoic principle that I hold close to my heart: the dichotomy of control. We can apply it in investing.

Thoughts from the Consumer Electronics Show

My son Jonah and I were at CES (the Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas. I wanted to attend CES to shake myself out of my comfort zone.

Q&A Series: Money Habits for Kids and the Power of Writing

Q&A Series: Money Habits for Kids and the Power of Writing

In this Q&A excerpt, we'll explore teaching money habits to young people and how writing has improved my investment approach.

The Impact of Higher Interest Rates on the Economy - AI Edition

The Impact of Higher Interest Rates on the Economy – AI Edition

I asked AI to educate and entertain my readers with a radio show-style dialogue based on my essay - The Impact of Higher Interest Rates on the Economy.

Navigating Market Cycles From Bulls to Nvidia – AI Edition

Navigating Market Cycles: From Bulls to Nvidia – AI Edition

I asked AI to transform my essays into a radio show-style conversation. In this episode, topic is stock market math, sideways markets, the role of P/E in market cycles, impact of interest rates on P/E, economic analysis, Magnificent Seven stocks, NVIDIA, and a lot more.

Managing a Million What Would I Do Differently

Managing a Million: What Would I Do Differently?

Warren Buffett has stated multiple times that if he could manage a very small amount of money today, he would be able to return more than 50% per year to shareholders. If you managed a million dollars of only your own money, would you do it differently? 

Choosing an Investment Manager Beyond Warren and Charlie

Choosing an Investment Manager: Beyond Warren and Charlie

If you were obliged to invest all your investable assets with one person and you couldn’t choose Warren or Charlie, whom would you pick?

Challenging Investment Rules and Key Investor Traits

Challenging Investment Rules and Key Investor Traits

What’s a famous investment rule I don’t agree with? Which key characteristics should a good investor have?

The Infinite Game in Telecom

The Infinite Game in Telecom

CHTR, just like Comcast, showed only a very slight decline in broadband customers in the quarter. Most of the decline came from the US government removing subsidies for rural customers.

The Hidden Risk in “Religion” Stocks

The Hidden Risk in “Religion” Stocks 

A basic property of religion is that the believer takes a leap of faith: to believe without expecting proof.

The Best and Worst Investment Decisions Ive Made

The Best and Worst Investment Decisions I’ve Made

I’m going to share stories about my best and worst investment decisions. But don’t worry, this isn’t just a brag-and-cringe session about making or losing money.

Trump’s call for a bitcoin strategic reserve is a very bad idea

Trump’s call for a bitcoin strategic reserve is a very bad idea

At the end of July, Donald Trump went full Bitcoin. He wants the US to become a “Bitcoin superpower”; he promised to build a Bitcoin strategic reserve.

Unpacking Buffetts Investment Philosophy A Personal Perspective

Unpacking Buffett’s Investment Philosophy: A Personal Perspective

How does our investment approach stack up against Warren Buffett’s? Answering this question gives me a chance to dissect Buffett’s famous investment principles and compare them to our own strategy.

The Eclectic Value Investor

The Eclectic Value Investor

How do I describe myself as an investor? This question provides an opportunity to delve into what I mean by being an “eclectic value investor with a slight touch of dogmatism.”

The AI Revolution

The AI Revolution

The discussion of AI quickly falls into a domain bordering on Sci-Fi. My thoughts here are only marginally shaped by scientific facts.

The EV Industry Landscape

The EV Industry Landscape

As a part of a summer letter to IMA clients, I will discuss investments in the EV industry, spurred by the following question from a client.

Lessons from Historys Technology Booms

Lessons from History’s Technology Booms

The technology at the core of the mania is different every time. What doesn't change over time is human emotion – the fear of missing out and then the fear of loss.

The Magnificent 7 and the Dangers of Market Hype

The Magnificent 7 and the Dangers of Market Hype

Despite the S&P 500 showing gains in the mid-teens, the average stock on the market is either up slightly or flat for the year.

Understanding Todays Economic Landscape

Understanding Today’s Economic Landscape

Interest rates that stay low and actually keep declining for almost a quarter of a century slowly propagate deep into the fabric of the economy.

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