Life Itself

My wife and I recently watched the movie Life Itself (available to stream for free on Amazon Prime).  I am glad I didn’t look at ratings before I watched it.

Life Itself

My wife and I recently watched the movie Life Itself (available to stream for free on Amazon Prime).  I am glad I didn’t look at ratings before I watched it, because it’s the second-worst-performing movie at the box office since 1982. Critics and movie goers alike absolutely hated it. But it’s beautifully filmed drama that requires plenty of Kleenex, and despite its sadness it offers a message of hope at the very end. This movie made us think and feel, and it will be with us for a long, long time. I loved Bob Dylan’s song “Make You Feel My Love,” which was the musical theme of the movie  (Though in all honesty, Adele’s version is closer to my heart).

Now you have a choice: Do you listen to me or to the 14% rating on Rotten Tomatoes?

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