I loved this book so much,
I got it as a gift for all my friends
This essay is not quite the same as the book, because it’s turned into something more.
It started as a review. I read the book twice, then I listened to it twice on Audible. But I still didn’t feel that I had internalized it enough – I needed to write about it. But what started out as a review grew into something more: it’s now a personal manifesto.
Have a read by filling out the form below. You’ll get an email with the PDF, which you can share with friends and family:
Made in America
In 2004, I started writing for TheStreet.com. At the time, TheStreet was an interesting experiment.
Becoming an investor
Hallway conversations with Joe and Bill at PVG Asset Management sparked my love affair with investing. I knew I wanted to be an analyst.
The Infinite Game in Telecom
CHTR, just like Comcast, showed only a very slight decline in broadband customers in the quarter. Most of the decline came from the US government removing subsidies for rural customers.
Second-class citizen
I was often made aware that there was something wrong with my being Jewish. Even as a little child, I often encountered a second-class-citizen attitude toward me.
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