See You in Omaha, Again!

Over the years the beginning of May has turned into a wonderful tradition: the trip to Omaha to Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.

See You in Omaha, Again!

Traditions. I write this word and I think of Tevye the milkman in Fiddler on the Roof saying (actually singing) it. As you get older your life slowly starts turning into a series of “traditions.” Over the years the beginning of May has turned into a wonderful tradition: the trip to Omaha to Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. The annual meeting itself, though it is still therapeutic and educational, is not why I (and most people I know) go to Omaha. In early May Omaha turns into a spring-break destination for value investors (not too many Senor Frog or Girls Gone Wild moments, though).

Here are few events you may find of interest if you are in Omaha:

Friday – May 3rd

12:30 pm – 2:45 pm: Cheap Talk, – Billy Blue’s Alumni Grill. We’ll have our 5th annual informal gathering where value investors get together and share ideas.  Everyone is welcome to come.  (Creighton University, Harper Center, 20th and Cass)

3 pm – 4:30 pm: Value Investing Panel V, Creighton University (located in the same building as Billy Blue’s; see above). This will be the the fourth time I have have had privilege of participating on this panel.  For an hour and a half we answer questions from students.  Last year I had a great time arguing with Bruce Greenwald, an insanely smart and articulate professor from Columbia, about the value of the discounted cash flow model. (I think it is a great tool in your toolbox; he had some reservations).  This free event is followed by free refreshments – a veritable value investor’s paradise.

Saturday – May 4th

4 pm – 7:30 pm: Young Presidents Organization, World Presidents Organization, and Entrepreneur Organization are putting together an investing panel.  I’ll be in the terrific company of Tom Gayner, CIO Of Markel Corporation; Tom Russo, famed value investor; and Tim Vick, author of How To Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett.  I did this panel last year – loved it.  If you are a member of any of the above organizations, you can RSVP by email to  (the deadline was April 26th, but you may get lucky). Venue: Holland Performing Arts Center, 1200 Douglas Street.


10 am: Markel annual gathering.  Markel is a very well-run insurance company.  I’ve been attending its meetings for the last couple of years, and they are very educational. (Hilton Omaha Hotel)

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