The Jet Lag Series: Art or Craft – Ep 60

While in Venice, Vitaliy, his brother, and son visited a glass factory and watched a glassblowing demonstration. The glass artist took a ball of molten glass, stuck large forceps into it, and magic happened – he pulled a horse’s head, body, legs...

While in Venice, Vitaliy, his brother, and son visited a glass factory and watched a glassblowing demonstration. The glass artist took a ball of molten glass, stuck large forceps into it, and magic happened – he pulled a horse’s head, body, legs and tail out of it. A few strokes with a metal blade and they had seen the “birth” of a beautiful glass horse. After they left the factory, Alex, Jonah, and Vitaliy walked the streets of Murano, discussing whether this fellow was practicing an art or a craft.

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