Vitaliy Katsenelson Infinite Loops Interview with Jim O’Shaughnessy

I sat down with Jim O'Shaughnessy, author of the classic investment book What Works on Wall Street and host of the the Infinite Loops

Vitaliy Katsenelson Infinite Loops Interview with Jim O'Shaughnessy

I sat down with Jim O’Shaughnessy, author of the classic investment book What Works on Wall Street and host of the @infinitel88ps. Jim and I seem to share a brain, and we discuss my youth in Soviet Russia, how creativity connects the conscious and unconscious mind, the power of reframing and developing a thick skin, and the joys of classical music.

I hope you enjoy this wide ranging and fun conversation between two students of life!

You can listen to the original interview here: or watch it here: Ep.121 — Vitaliy Katsenelson — Soul in the Game

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