Speaking, Travel and See you in Omaha

I’ll be giving a talk about Active Value Investing to the Bermuda CFA Society on February 11th.  On the way to Bermuda my wife and I will spend three days in NYC. 

Speaking Travel and See you in Omaha

I have exciting travels for the next couple of months:

I’ll be giving a talk about Active Value Investing to the Bermuda CFA Society on February 11th.  On the way to Bermuda my wife and I will spend three days (February 7-9th) in NYC.  Then, as a Valentine’s present to each other, we’ll spend four days (kids-free) in Bermuda.  I have to thank Skype for my wife agreeing to leave the kids (girl, 4 and boy, 8) with their grandparents for a week.

I’ll be speaking at the CFA Institutes’s conference on March 9th, in Phoenix.

I am going to the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.  The main event is on Saturday morning (May 1st) till about 2pm.  The quality of the main event improved substantially last year as the questions asked focused on business/economy not on “what is your relationship with Jesus?”  This was due to a change in the Q&A format.  But let’s make it clear that the trip to Omaha is not really about listening for six hours to Buffett and Munger.  In fact you could save time and money by reading transcripts of the Q&A sessions on the internet.  The trip to Omaha is a chance to spend a few days around like-minded value investors – I get to talk to people who speak the same “value” language.  This is why I’ll arrive early Friday morning (April 30th) and leave late Sunday evening (May 2nd).

Last year a few friends got together at the Doubletree hotel for cheap talk and drinks (mostly water, no ice) and we had a terrific time.  We’ll have an informal get together in Omaha again, exact time (most likely around 1pm on Friday) and place yet to be determined.  You are invited.

I fly back to Denver on Sunday, spend a few hours with my family, and then the following Monday (May 3rd) I fly to Los Angeles to attend the Value Investing Congress, which actually takes place in wonderful Pasadena.  I’ve attended the Value Investing Congress the last two years (presented in 2008).  It is a great continuation of the Berkshire weekend.  Again, you can get the list of stocks presented at the congress on the internet, but the interaction experience is difficult to replicate.  Also, right after the congress adjourns, the buses take you to Wesco’s annual meeting, where Charlie Munger holds nothing back (no political correctness there) and tells you what he really thinks.

More information on my travels and speaking engagements can be found on my website.

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